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Useful materials for Post Primary Language Support Teachers can be downloaded below. Just double click on the document name and it will open in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

English language proficiency benchmarks for non-English-speaking pupils at post-primary level (85 KB)

The English language proficiency benchmarks set out in this document are intended to facilitate the design and delivery of English language support for non-English speaking children at post-primary level in Ireland.


European Language Portfolio - Post Primary (335 KB)

This version of the European Language Portfolio (ELP) was developed by Integrate Ireland Language and Training for use in Irish post-primary schools with non-English speaking students who are learning the language of the host community.


Integrating non-English speaking students into the school and curriculum - Handbook for schools (146 KB)

Prepared by Integrate Ireland Language and Training in collaboration with language support teachers working in post-primary schools throughout Ireland


Immersion programme for non-English speaking students entering post-primary school (343 KB)

A framework for school implementation of an immersion programmme to prepare newly arrived students for phased engagement with subject classes.


Planning content of language support classes (84 KB)

Information about planning the delivery of language support across the school and ensuring that students receive the level of support that will facilitate full engagement with curriculum learning.


Initial interview assessment for new students (58 KB)

Assessing the English language proficiency of a student on arrival in a school is extremely difficult. A detailed view of the student’s competence in the different skills of English will emerge over the first month or two of language support. However, this interview assessment can, in some cases, provide broad initial information which will allow the teacher to categorize the student’s overall proficiency as A1, A2 or B1 (see Language Proficiency Benchmarks).


Two sets of points for gaining information about students’ reactions and progress in the mainstream classroom (79 KB)

1. Initial needs analysis for language support student in the mainstream by observation of early classroom behaviour

2. On-going needs analysis for language support student by observation of progress and development in classroom behaviour and formal learningThis information may be collected from subject teachers either by the use of the forms or, if this is not appropriate, through informal discussion.


Mainstream classroom observation of language support student (53 KB)

This observation checklist allows the language support teacher, as appropriate, to observe students in their mainstream subject classrooms as a means of identifying areas which would benefit from additional attention during language support classes.


English language proficiency profile (158 KB)

These three pages provide a means for the teacher to maintain accurate records of an individual student’s progress across all the skills of English language learning. The profile should be used in conjunction with the Language Proficiency Benchmarks on the basis of both observational assessment in the classroom and formal assessment tests (currently under development by IILT).


Parent teacher meeting reports (154 KB)

This report form, based on visual representations, was developed in response to the challenges teachers have reported in communicating with non-English speaking parents. It provides a means for year/class heads or subject teachers to indicate to parents how their son/daughter is performing in specific subject areas.


Alphabet Book (115 KB)

A booklet for students to record and organise new vocabulary.


Preparing language support students for examinations through a second language (56 KB)

A framework for developing language support students' awareness of the demands of formal written examinations and ensuring that students practise the key skills.


Creating an intercultural environment in the school (61 KB)

This is an extensive list of activities and events which have been implemented in schools all over Ireland. The suggestions were generously supplied by teachers and they provide ideas for addressing the question of creating an inclusive environment that acknowledges and celebrates the richness of diversity at a number of different levels. It is important to note that Ireland, the Irish language, Irish cultural objects, festivals, etc. are given equal place in the suggestions. The objective is intercultural awareness and understanding.

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