Alex - Management and Construction Engineering, DIT

Alex visited our classes this afternoon. This is my report of what we talked about.

Learning English - The Beginning

Alex studied English in IILT for four months in 2003. He didn't study English at home in Moldova, so this was his first step to learning the English language. Then he did an IILT English and Computers course at FAS for five months.

Pearse College - Technical Drawing - The Next Step

After FAS Alex did a Technical Drawing course for one year in Pearse College in Crumlin. His teacher advised him to go to DIT because his Pearse College course was equal to the first year course in DIT. He applied to DIT as a mature student. He did an interview and got a place.

DIT - Management and Construction Engineering - Life as a student

At the moment he is studying about nine subjects and says it's quite difficult. However, he is happy. He still studies for a few hours extra every day.

The Future - Career Opportunities

When he finishes at DIT he will have several choices. He can work as an engineer, or a land surveyor, or some other things.

Alex's advice

Find a target and keep going towards your target

Thank you Alex, your visit was really useful for us!

Oleg S

Dave's Class


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